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Steam Humidifiers

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Steam Humidifiers

What’s the old cliché? “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity?” Humidity is a huge factor in our comfort levels. A lack of it can cause chapped lips, scratchy throats, and a warping of wooden floors and moldings, where an overabundance of provides an oppressive, swampy atmosphere that nobody enjoys. Thankfully, just like temperature, humidity is something we can control if we have the right hardware. Steam humidifiers allow you to control the humidity level in your home by adding or removing humidity as needed, no matter what time of year you’re in. Fred F. Collis & Sons is your one stop-shop for steam humidifier installation, repair, and replacements.

How Do Steam Humidifiers Work?

Steam humidifiers are most often found attached to a furnace, and is outfitted with a reservoir filled with a supply of water. When the humidity drops below a certain point, the water is heated and turned into steam. Once an adequate amount of steam has been created to humidify the house, it is release through the vents and ductwork to the house, improving humidity and overall comfort throughout the building. Working in tandem with the furnace, the humidifier keeps the humidity at an appropriate level.

Benefits of a Steam Humidifier

A steam humidifier installation comes with a host of benefits for your home, not the least of which being:

  • A decrease in allergies, scratchy throats, nose bleeds, and other low-humidity related health issues.
  • Save artwork, wood floors, furniture, and molding from damage associated with dry air.
  • More comfort for those in your home.

If you are interested in having a steam humidifier installed in your home, contact or call us at 315-768-2323 to schedule an appointment. Or you can check out our many five star Google reviews. And remember, you can always Count on Collis!

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