How Air Sealing Improves Your Comfort

Air Sealing Blog

As a homeowner, if you’re looking for ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency and comfort, you can start by reducing drafts from your windows and doors. This makes your home more airtight and makes it way more comfortable in the process! Having tiny cracks and gaps around your house will allow outdoor air to seep inside and affect the indoor temperature. This will have a negative impact on your home’s comfort as well as its energy consumption. The solution is air sealing.

Our local heating, cooling and insulation experts at Fred F. Collis & Sons explain what you need to know about the benefits of air sealing below:

Comfortable indoor temperatures throughout the year.

Your home needs to have good air sealing to keep out the elements all-year-round. If you have drafts coming in through your windows and doors, heat can easily escape and affect your home’s indoor temperatures. Not only will you have inconsistent temperatures, but you’ll also feel cold drafts throughout different areas of your home, and you’ll hardly feel the warmth provided by your heat pump or furnace. Consider having a trusted insulation contractor, like Collis, update your air sealing to prevent this from happening.

More efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) performance.

While you still need your systems checked annually by a professional heating and cooling contractor, air sealing improves your HVAC system’s performance and helps it operate more efficiently. Air leaks can force your system to work harder than it should, which can lead to more breakdowns and even premature failure. If you want to keep your HVAC system in peak condition, proper air sealing is a good place to start.

Lower monthly utility bills.

If your energy bills over the past few years have been high, this could be due to your heating and cooling systems working harder than normal to maintain indoor comfort. If your house has good air sealing, your heating system won’t need to work as hard, and your home will stay at a consistent comfortable temperature. This means your heating and cooling systems will use less energy and your monthly utility bills will be noticeably lower.

Bonus: since making your home more energy efficient also benefits the environment, NYS programs like EmPower+ are there to help offset the cost of making these improvements. In fact, many Collis customers are able to have their insulation and air sealing projects completed by us for free thanks to these rebate and incentive programs.

Whether you want to learn more about our insulation and air sealing services or you’re in need of a trusted HVAC contractor, you can always Count on Collis. We’ll even be happy to provide a free home energy assessment / energy audit to identify air leaks in your home. You can reach us at (315) 897-5348 or through our convenient online form. Contact our team of experts today!

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